Tuesday, October 27, 2009

FaBrIcAtIoN wOrK cOmMeNcEs!!!

The moment which we had been anticipating for the past few days is here. The nitcAMPHICAR is on its way as fabrication work has commenced.
As was stated, the design work was completed by 15th October but due to the festivities and the non-availability of work-space, a delay had to be incurred.
Nevertheless, the brain-storming sessions that accompanied the designing process is now bearing fruit as the first stage of fabrication is going on. The first stage of the fabrication process is the chassis, that is the basic frame on which the entire vehicle will rest. The pictures presented in this post illustrate how the bottom half skeleton will look like.
The outer frame is first welded and then the cross-bars are appropriately joined end to end. The material we are using for the chassis is 1.5 inch size 1018 hollow steel pipes. The reason we chose this material is that it is readily available and easily weldable with the prevalent and common arc welding process. Another reason for using circular pipe is that it offers better torsional resistance which is one of the primary resistances to be encountered by a perimeter frame, like ours.
With the first leap taken, the next step is to complete the chassis. This will involve completion of the chassis in the matter of a week. Hence, challenges are many and at times perturbing, but with all these done, the nitcAMPHICAR team is buoyant and roaring to go forward to overcome each and every challenge and obstacle that comes on the way.
In the coming days, the fabrication process of the chassis is sought to be accomplished. If time permits, we would like to move ahead of our framed schedule and look out for the wheels and the steering system. However, fabrication is a process with minimal margin of error and as such we have to be determined, focussed and at the same time patient in our endeavour of fabrication.
Without asking the readers to contemplate much on the following, we would like to sign off by saying that:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

pRoPeLlEr HuNt !!!

Hello Everyone!
Nice to be back considering that the past few days were quite demanding. Just jostled through the second sessionals and the final hurdle in the design stage-the propeller mechanism is nearing completion.
As part of the process to overcome the final hurdle, the nitcAMPHICAR team visited Beypore. Beypore is a small town just on the outskirts of Calicut. Before that we went to a boating arena just to have a taste of the mechanism in practise. After a look at the man-powered propeller mechanism we set for Beypore.
The place is very beautiful and so are the people. We had a very fruitful conversation with a couple of fishermen. The process was however not going to be easy as communication gap is a major barrier. But then, when there is a will there is a way. We somehow interacted with them and got some insights into the engine and the propeller mechanism they are using.
The propeller is basically inbuilt in a 3litre Suzuki engine. They presented a live demo of the working and operation of the entire engine including the propellers. We got some contacts of the engine suppliers from these gentlemen.

Then we moved in search of these contacts and were fortunate enough to encounter a dock where an interceptor of the Indian Coast Guard was waiting to be inducted into the Indian Navy.
After some conversation with some of the persons there, we finally got the address of a mechanic who specializes in repairing the fishing boats. He is a person by the name of Ponappan and is the man seeked by every person with a boat in that region. Well the place he stays is called Chelliyar, a place on the opposite bank of the back water in the dock.
We were waiting for a steamer to take us to the other end. Then we met a person who volunteered as the interpreter between us and the boatman. From the conversation we came to know that Saturdays and Sundays are off-days for Ponappan. However, we got his contact number.
Well! There were many positives in spite of the fact that we could not find the mechanic. We got his contact and a basic idea about the propeller we will be going to use. Most importantly we came to know how beautiful the place is.
Next, we plan to meet our guide and make him informed about the work we have done. We also plan to have a telephonic conversation with Ponappan, the mechanic, through an interpreter.
We have set 15th Oct as the deadline for completion of the Design process and we are almost there.
We the enthusiam and energy level in the team and the guidance provided, we can confidently say that :
we will, we will rock you!!!
Signing off for the meoment...
Take care and be optimistic!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

cRuIsInG sTaTe !!!

Well! After an opening burst to the 'mission' we can now afford to cruise a few paces ahead as most of the designing work has been accomplished and approved. However, keeping in mind that manufacturing demands a perfect design operation and analysis, we now intend to cross check our work with some experts in the field. Moreover, we need to get hold of the remaining sources of materials like the resin which may not be readily available in and around Calicut (Kozhikode). At this point we would like to admit that we are blessed to have Dr. Allesu K as one of our project guides who unlike other professors is more of an engineer in true sense and catches the nerve of a problem at its very root.
At present, we are analyzing a design on the bearings so as to calculate the optimum size of the axles (rear and front). In addition to this, we will also finalize our design of the propeller mechanism out of the two previously proposed designs in a matter of a week. By the end of this semester (end of October), we plan to complete the manufacturing of the chassis and the basic parts like the steering system as well as the wheel components.
So, in the next few days we plan to do two things. One, get the design of the propeller and the axles accomplished and approved. Another, sort out and enlist the probable sources from which we will be sourcing the materials for our project.
As such, there has to be constant communication and verification both among the group as well as between the group and the market. We thereby invite you to take initiatives and volunteer the effort in whichever manner possible. You can always contact us if you have something to offer (even a small piece of information or suggestion) and we are always ready to embrace your advice with our arms outstretched.
Last but certainly not the least, we would like to sign off by quoting The Mahatma
" Always aim a t complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be fine."
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